This week we talk about the growth that the growth that the indian economy is having, it is the fastest growing economy in the world since 2014, it is thought that it will surpass the England taking its spot as the 5th largest economy in the world. Indian GDP grew 35% going from 1600 dollars in 2014 to 2200 in 2019. We also talk about Uber and its IPO, it is going public and wants to sell 20 billion dollars in shares, […]
Day Trading Blog
Recap April 7th: Golden Cross Pattern For Stocks & Zombie Companies Ep013
After a dificult 2018, the S&P500 went up 13% in the first 3 months of the year, making it the strongest trimester since 2009 crisis. S&P500 closed at 2%, it’s highest point in history, the golden cross pattern suggests we could go higher up on the short term possibly reaching historic heights. The international and european markets went up thanks to possitive information from China, there are good forecasts regarding commercial agreements between the U.S. and China. In latinamerica the stock exchange […]
Recap April 01-Obamacare Declared Unconstitutional – Roundup/Glyphosate Causes Cancer Part 2
Obamacare Declared Unconstitutional – Roundup/Glyphosate Causes Cancer Part 2
Recap March 24 – Central Bank Stops Tightening – Guerrilas in Colombia Ep11
This week we talk about the new platform that is completely free, if you want to download it you can go to This is not our own platform, but it is completely free, so you won’t have to pay for a platform ever again. This week the market went up in the U.S. thanks to the banks and technology stocks, the NASDAQ and the S&P500 have reached their highest points in the last 5 months. Play in new window | […]
Recap March 18- Stocks Rise, New Micro Futures, Chaos with Boeing.
This week we had 2 spectacular news, first; the platform that I’ve been telling you about is finally ready, we are looking for more or less 10 or 15 traders to be able to make the process. Remember that this platform is gonna be completely free. Second, new micro futures in the stock market, before you needed a minimum of 500 dollars to be able to operate, but now to operate the micro future it’s gonna be a minimum of 50 dollars. […]
Recap March 11-Latinos record low poverty – Venezuela hangs on thanks to Cuba
Latinos record low poverty – Venezuela hangs on thanks to Cuba Play in new window | Download | EmbedSubscribe: RSS
Venezuela Sanctions – North Korea Summit: Recap March 04 Ep008
Venezuela Sanctions – North Korea Summit This week we are discussing the $166 million dollars stolen by the cryptocurrency exchange in Canada (not Bangladesh or another 3rd world country) and also the effects of the Q40 earnings. The leader of the socialist paradise in Venezuela is getting more pressure and also blocking humanitarian aid into his country and also the results of the markets this week Play in new window | Download | EmbedSubscribe: RSS
Recap Feb 25- Warren Buffet loses $25 billion – Markets Recover
Warren Buffet loses $25 billion – Markets Recover Play in new window | Download | EmbedSubscribe: RSS
Recap Feb 18- Markets rise – Chase launched cryptocurrency
Markets rise – Chase launched cryptocurrency Play in new window | Download | EmbedSubscribe: RSS
Recap Feb 10 – $136 Million Stolen In Cryptos – Q4 Earnings Ep005
This week we are discussing the $166 million dollars stolen by the cryptocurrency exchange in Canada (not Bangladesh or another 3rd world country) and also the effects of the Q40 earnings. The leader of the socialist paradise in Venezuela is getting more pressure and also blocking humanitarian aid into his country and also the results of the markets this week. Podcast is available below Play in new window | Download | EmbedSubscribe: RSS