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Day Trading Blog

Our day trading blog is designed to talk about all of our day trading endeavors all around the world.

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Day Trading Market Recap 09/29/11

day trading office, day trading in africa, Day trading in zambiaMy Day Trading Office in Zambia, Africa

Welcome to Livingston Zambia!  What do you think about my day trading office in Zambia?  The internet at this cafe is really pushing the boundaries for the required internet speeds for day trading. There are days when I start looking at what’s going on in the pre-market.  While today was not one of those days, looking at what happened between 9.00am and 9.30am I really wish it was.  I could have been done at 9.45am today and could have explored the city […]

Day Trading Market Recap: 09/28/11

Tradestation Charts Sep 28th chart 1Tradestation Charts Sep 28th chart 1

In comparison to the amount of points I have been making since I started this site, only making 5.5 points doesn’t feel really good. In comparison, any day that you make money and over 2/3 pts at that, is exceptional.  After a while when you become a professional trader, it’s not about the amount of points you make everyday, it becomes a game.  The point of any game is to win. To extract as many points out of the market as you […]

Day Trading Market Recap: 09/27/11

Tradestation Charts Sep 27thTradestation Charts Sep 27th

WOAH!  One of the things that I hate about not being connected to the world (example: my trading charts) is that too many things can change in a short amount of time.  In, for example, the two weeks that I was in Israel and didn’t even look at a chart.  If you take a look at my market recap from yesterday you will find that my time at the bottom of the chart is set to local instead of exchange.  I was […]

Day Trading Market Recap: 09/26/11

Tradestation ChartsTradestation Charts Sep 26th

Wow has it been a busy 2 weeks.  I haven’t been trading because I was invited by the Israel Ministry of Tourism to tour the country of Israel.  If you want to check out how the trip went check out my my travel blog.  I originally had planned to update just market recaps instead of my trades but the schedule was so hectic I was only getting 2-4 hours of sleep for an entire two weeks.  I returned to Kenya last Friday […]

Day Trading Market Recap: 09/07/11

day trading charts, day trading chart, online day trading, online trading, tradestation charts, day trading chartsTradestation Charts for Sept 7th

Day Trading today I was either extremely lazy or there weren’t very many opportunities.  If I know myself well I would say that I am lazy but there weren’t a huge amount of opportunities in comparison to yesterdays market activity.   Even though there wasn’t a  huge amount of movement I was still able to extract close to 9 points out of the market.  With only about an hour of trading (1.5 hours with this recap) I would say that is pretty […]

Day Trading Market Recap: 09/06/11

day trading, learn how to day trade, day trading charts, day trader, day trading results, online trading, online day tradingDay Trading Results for Today Chart 1

Today’s day trading were the kind of days that I live for.  Exceptional opportunities all over the place and I was able to have a 93% win ratio which is incredible.  The premarket had a very strong down trend but I don’t place very much weight on premarket activity.  Today the market moved perfectly as it was retracing to the midband (mb) to the tick or with small overruns and it barely got any significant pops on the opposite side of the […]

Online Day Trading Market Recap: 09/02/11

day trading charts, day trading, online trading, online day tradingDay Trading Chart 1

Reviewing my charts from yesterday I realized that I was a bit more aggressive than usual.  I have the kind of personality and mind that keeps me going at 100 mph all the time.  When I sit down to day trade my leg is twitching and I get ancy when the market doesn’t give me good opportunities. That is one of the things that I had trouble with I first start trading The first five trades that I took today were exceptional.  T1 […]

Online Day Trading Recap – Sep 1st

Online Day Trading Recap, day trading, making money day trading,Online Day Trading Recap Sep 1st 2011 Chart 1

Today’s day trading started by me waking up super late since I went to sleep at 5 in the morning working on things with my travel blog.  Sometimes you just get ahead of yourself and I completely lose track of time, thats exactly what happened with today’s day trading.  As I was writing a post I was glancing at the market and saw T1 & T2 setup. They were as picture perfect as any trade could be I put in an order for both […]

Online Trading Market Recap – 08/31/11

online trading, online day trading, day trading recaps, learning how to day trade,Online Trading Recap Aug 31 2011 Chart 1

Today’s online day trading activity was a bit different from previous days.  It started with a nice trend to the upside but the market wasn’t running like it has been during the course of the last few weeks.  You can see the market really starting to settle down and there is much less volatility. Even though there was less volatility in the early morning once 11am rolled around we were off to the races again.  Today I made very good decisions but […]

Online Trading Market Recap: 08/30/11

online trading, day trading, day trading online, day traders, how to day day tradeOnline Trading Recap Aug 30 2011

Today’s online trading is a very unique day in the market since the FOMC (Federal Operating Market Committee) minutes are coming out.  Trading the morning during the FOMC can be a toss up. The vast majority of the times the market will either behave itself and give us good opportunities in the early morning or it will give us nothing at all.  With the volatility that the market has shown in the last few weeks I wanted to watch at least the early morning. During […]