Investing & Day Trading Education:  Day Trading Academy
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Sept 3rd Recap: 8 Pts in 1 hour (potential $4,000)

Sept 3rd Recap: 8 Pts in 1 hour (potential $4,000)

The video is up and we bring you a bit of insight into market behavior and recognizing it without over complicating the process. I don’t always recommend getting up late but when you do, you should make 8 points. That’s what it seemed like today anyway. It seems as though anytime we have biggest developments or changes with the Day Trading Academy there is always Ethiopian coffee or sushi involved. Last night was no different as we had six new traders sign […]

How Master Traders Start Their Day On Friday's

French Beach on Vancouver Island"French Beach on Vancouver Island."

Day Trading in Vancouver, Canada never felt so good. When a trader is able to make consistent returns in the markets Friday’s are officially considered (whisper voice) “vacation days”.  This of course is the reason why we consider only 200 trading days a year instead of the official 245.  This is a picture from our Master Trader Brice (Mr. Millionaire – read more on the Great Master Trader Tour post) who took some time off to enjoy a wedding in addition to […]

The Great Graduate Master Trader Tour

Graduate Master Trader Tour"The Itinerary for Our Graduate Master Trader Tour"

The Day Trading Academy Blog presents the Great Graduate Master Trader Tour! A few years ago if someone would have told us that we would be teaching traders again we would not have believed it. Living in Ethiopia at the time with limited Internet the only goal was to connect to the markets to day trade and continue traveling around the world. A new master plan was envisioned and a new route was taken. We have always believed that if we are […]

Aug 23rd Recap: 5.5 Points (Possible $2750)

Aug 23rd Recap: 5.5 Points (Possible $2750)

After returning from what seems like an eternity I was able to day trade today and make just over five points in under 90 minutes. There have been quite a few comings and goings since I last posted a recap. We have had some of our graduate master traders share some of their trades via our market recaps page. There are many advantages to having an effective day trading system. A long time ago we decided to start training in-house traders to see […]

Student Trader Jared Reviews The Day Trading Academy (Talks About First Few Days Live)

This Day Trading Academy review is brought to you by Jared! Really excited to share our successful student trader story from Jared.  If there is one thing that is important to understand about becoming a professional day trader is that technical analysis is only part of the game. When we started the Day Trading Academy it was because of the demand of traders and we take that responsibility very seriously. We always want to make sure that we are there for all of our traders […]

Meeting With DTA Student Trader Manny Cabrera

Day Trading in Venice"Day Trading in Venice with one of our Graduate Master Traders Manny"

We frankly didn’t do much day trading in Venice.  But the view as you can see was quite impressive.  We met up with one of our student traders recently when he took his entire family to Italy.  As I happen to be known as the WanderingTrader I couldn’t pass up the chance to be there for this special event.  This was the view from the hotel room in Venice right on the Grand Canal. We plan on sharing our tour here on […]

August 6th Live Class Recap & Strong Momentum Lesson

Marcello ArrambideMarcello Arrambide's mobile office :-)

We  haven’t done one of these recaps in quite a long time so we decided to recap our live class that we had on Tuesday. It held some important lessons on being able understand strong overall momentum. Happy to report here on the day trading academy blog that we have just returned from our graduate master trader tour. We got together with a handful of our students that have quit their jobs and turned into WanderingTraders!  Our CEO, Marcello Arrambide, the first […]

Day Trading in Venice: How Our Days Begin

Sunrise in Venice

The Day Trading Academy Blog presents one of the most gorgeous sites that we have seen while traveling through Italy.  We are currently on our graduate master trader tour.  We have been meeting many of our traders that are traveling around the world and in this case taking his entire family to Italy for the summer.  One of the great things about day trading is the absolute freedom it provides.  We like to lead by example and instead of sitting behind a […]

July 17th Master Trader Recap: 3.5 Points From Puerto Rico!

July 17th Master Trader Recap: 3.5 Points From Puerto Rico!

The Day Trading Academy Blog brings you another post from our master trader Ice Man from here in Puerto Rico.  We will be getting together tomorrow July 18th to catch up on his trading success and plan for the future! Hey guys another day in the books. 3.5 points on 5 trades. The first two trades were pretty straight forward if you look at the chart. The third trade was a bit aggressive, even for my standards. I do this from time […]

This Is How Our Day Traders Begin Their Days In Guam

Sunrise in GuamThe terrific sunrise in Guam

Do you remember that trader that recently won a 100% all expenses paid trip to Jordan?  He has already taken the spirit of starting to learn day trading & traveling and starts his day with the incredible view above.  Since Guam is roughly 14 hours ahead of the 9.30 am EST market opening time this is actually the sunrise.  The infinity pool overlooking the ocean provides a great reflection of the sunrise.  The only downside to seeing this every morning is the fact […]