Investing & Day Trading Education:  Day Trading Academy
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Trader Shares His Journey: Over A Month With No Losing Days (Colombian Traders Net $5903.20 In Profits)

Trader Shares His Journey: Over A Month With No Losing Days (Colombian Traders Net $5903.20 In Profits)

We just returned from the United States to pick up necessary technology for our new trading center that we are setting up here in Colombia. Things are moving much faster than expected and we are going to host our first ever MTU, Military Training University. This is where we are going to have a small intimate group of traders with us as we provide training via a live market environment. We are bringing down three of our Master Traders to help maximize […]

Stock Watchlist August 25th ($1628.80 In Profits So Far)

Stock Watchlist August 25th ($1628.80 In Profits So Far)

So far we have been able to see excellent results in not only the US Equity markets but also the Colombian markets.  We have been able to work closely with Colombian traders to see gains of over 20% in the Colombian stock market. Soon we will be able to extract profits from the both the Mexican and Brazilian markets as well. The goal is to have the opportunity to diversify and also look to make higher profits overseas. With the dollar devaluation […]

Photo Friday: First Master Trader Retreat in Cartagena Mansion Edition

Casa Pombo Cartagena

Our very first Master Trader retreat has been planned to start in Cartagena.  We understand that day trading is all about making money but we look at things a little differently at The Day Trading Academy (DTA).  We consider everyone at DTA to be family so day trading for us isn’t so much about making money as it is about living a good lifestyle. Having a good lifestyle means spending time with family. The reason why we have been able to succeed with markets […]

Stock Watchlist August 25th ($780 Profits Today/Colombian Traders Up $2800)

Stock Watchlist August 25th ($780 Profits Today/Colombian Traders Up $2800)

Stocks have been moving well including a variety of commodities.  We are looking at a variety of stocks this week and some of our stocks from last week are still surging.  Platinum, which we discussed here on the blog in March and June, continued to skyrocket. One important piece of news is the end of the silver price fixing out of London which we highlighted in this post.  We have just seen a great retracement in Silver. It may dip all the […]

NEW WanderingTrader Podcast: Brice Peressini – Trading A Millionaire Dollar Fund, Traveling The World, What It Takes To Achieve Your Dreams, Epic Mustaches, Cycling, Street Art, and More.

NEW WanderingTrader Podcast: Brice Peressini - Trading A Millionaire Dollar Fund, Traveling The World, What It Takes To Achieve Your Dreams, Epic Mustaches, Cycling, Street Art, and More.

We just introduced the WanderingTrader Lifestyle Podcast on our sister site, Since this is an interview with an amazing day trader and friend. We decided to post it here on the DTA blog. A couple of years ago I had the great pleasure of meeting Brice Peressini, another day trader traveling the world. At The Day Trading Academy we always come up with nick names for all of our Master Traders. It is…. a right of passage. When you have a […]

Stock Watchlist For This Week

Stock Watchlist For This Week

So far we have had good results with our stock watchlists. I know that many of you have been asking for direction in terms of how we pick our stocks.  We also have a set number of trade setups that we look for in stocks. Since day trading E-minis is more advantageous as they are higher leveraged we also look for swing positions for stocks. That way it is much less work as we don’t have to research every single day the […]

Celebrating $500,000 In Profits In The Galapagos Islands

Kempinski Hotel Dead SeaThe luxurious Kempinski Hotel at the Dead Sea

You read that title line right. It was written to both grab your attention and teach a very important lesson. This story starts with a contest we initiated  in late 2012. As we always try to give back here at The Day Trading Academy (DTA) we launched the contest to give someone the opportunity to achieve their dreams through day trading. With the launch of our new Lifestyle Podcast on our sister site,, we plan on having another contest in the near […]

Introducing Our New Day Trading Center In Brazil

Introducing Our New Day Trading Center In Brazil

It’s that time of the year again. Our efforts in Colombia have produced amazing results. Our first trader went live after 3 weeks and we just rented a larger office to house our trading center. Now it is time to introduce the Brazilian Master Trader that is going to help us open our center in Brazil. Guillherme, otherwise known as Giga withing the DTA community, is going to help us in Porto Alegre. We are looking to possibly have a beach house for […]

Introducing Shamir Nazaraly – The Market Beast

Introducing Shamir Nazaraly - The Market BeastShowing Shamir the local scenery during his Military Training in Colombia

Day-trading the futures markets is more than a career for us here at the Day-Trading Academy. It is a passion and a lifestyle. That being said, virtually all traders  encounter significant hardship on their journey to consistent profitability. Showing up every day to take decisions with hard-earned money on the line in an environment that is fundamentally uncertain and ever changing is not easy. Day-trading is a performance activity and as such the most efficient path to mastery requires the guidance of […]

Stock Watchlist August 11th – With Great Results Last Week!

Stock Watchlist August 11th - With Great Results Last Week!

So far we have been seeing great results with our watchlists. Many of our insiders that have been exposed to the strategies we have been using have been seeing great results. Our Colombian trader Camilo, aka Camilo Stocks, plan on sharing his strategies that he has been using to increase his portfolio. Overall we have been focusing on Gold and Silver stocks as the volume and volatility on those has increased. This is Camilo Stock’s first attempt at doing a video in […]