Investing & Day Trading Education:  Day Trading Academy
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July 10th Recap: 3 pts (Nikolai's First Day After Quitting His Job)

Nantucket IslandThe way life should be on Nantucket Island

The Day Trading Academy Blog has quit a surprise today. We are traveling around the world visiting a handful of graduate master traders that are quitting their jobs and becoming full time traders. We are calling it the Great Graduate Master Trader Tour (GMT Tour). Nikolai was first on our list day trading from Nantucket Island.  Since we don’t hire any employees we always integrate our successful students into the training program.  Nikolai was one of the traders that initially convinced me […]

Day Trading From Nantucket Island: July 8th/9th Recap

Nantucket IslandGreat picture of Nantucket Island

We are celebrating one of our master traders quitting his job here on Nantucket Island. We consider our day trading community to be a family so we had to be here for that special day.  We had a great time talkin about trading, working out, and even running our live market classes for everyone in our training program. We have worked so hard to be able to train real live traders and include them in the training program. Now we are moving […]

Q&A With Our Master Traders

successful day tradersNikolai "Hit Man" and I celebrating with some bubbly on the beaches of Nantucket Island

We are going to be traveling around the world visiting our Graduate Master Traders.  It is very exciting when we have so many traders that are quitting their jobs to become full time traders. We also have decided on doing an FAQ session with our master traders so if you have any questions let us know. You can comment below, send us an email, or even comment on our Day Trading Academy Facebook page. We plan on asking all of our traders […]

June 25th Live Market Class Recap: Behavior & Adaptation

June 25th Live Market Class Recap: Behavior & Adaptation

Going from the best day since October of 2011 in terms of volume and movement to a day like today where there was quite a bit of erratic behavior.  A trader in no matter what market or any country around the world has to be prepared for every single day. We have to ensure that we don’t hold preconceived notions of what the market is going to do. This is one of the reasons why we only look at the available information […]

Day Trading Academy Reviews: Jose – First Full Week Live (Trading 1 hour A Day)

Day Trading Academy Reviews: Jose - First Full Week Live (Trading 1 hour A Day)

Editors Note:  This Day Trading Academy Reviews is brought to you by Jose, one of the newest members of the training program that has gone live.  Really love to share these stories as these aren’t just students in the program trading sim and practicing from week to week.  I love the fact that Jose only trades an hour a day and he has still be able to see great results.  He is now trying to make the transition from working and finding […]

Graduate Master Trader 20 Point Day – Up to Date May Verifiable Results

Graduate Master Trader 20 Point Day - Up to Date May Verifiable Results

Our graduate master trader Superman is by far one of the best traders that I have ever seen.  Just last Thursday he sent me an email saying that we had the best day of the year on Thursday. As we discussed in the post “Anatomy of a 30+ Points Day” today saw the highest volume since October of 2011.  Absolutely incredible day (and one of the best in the last few years) and Superman definitely didn’t disappoint. We were in our live […]

The Anatomy Of A 30+ Point Day (Beginners 10+ Points)

The Day Trading Academy BlogThe Day Trading Academy Blog

Incredible 30+ points.  The Day Trading Academy’s Blog has truly never seen something like this.  The best day of the year occurred last Thursday during what was supposed to be contract rollover day.  The market activity from today has now superseded Thursday of last week and has become the best day of the year. Sadly, I was not able to trade today since we were hosting a live market analysis class but it was great to see all of our traders do […]

June 20th Recap (with live trading video): 20+ Points (Possible $10,000)

June 20th Recap (with live trading video): 20+ Points (Possible $10,000)

June 20 was an absolutely exceptional they. It had the highest volume and movement since October of 2011.  It probably is one of the best days of the last few years. It’s always easy for everyone to make money in the strong trending markets. We always assume 10 contracts as that is the goal that everyone strives for.  Its relative whether we are trading 1 contract or even 100 contracts as what really matters are the average number of points that we […]

Graduate Master Trader Recap: Ice Man – 10 Pts on June 20th

Graduate Master Trader Recap: Ice Man - 10 Pts on June 20th

One our successful graduate master traders shares his thoughts and trades for one of the best trading days in the last few years.  This trader is now practices new pro trades that he is learning on sim.  The importance of being able to practice new ideas & trades on simulation until they are mastered.  I will be meeting up with Ice Man in Puerto Rico within a month! If it seems that I have been MIA for a while, well there is a […]