Investing & Day Trading Education:  Day Trading Academy
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Free $10,000 Training Program Contest

Free $10,000 Training Program Contest

It’s that time of the year ladies and gentlemen: It’s time for a free bad ass training program. I started this website to help other traders. When I was living in Ethiopia I was being contacted by a countless number of traders that needed help, that needed direction, that needed someone to show them the right way.  This contest will end April 15th. Tired of  people that don’t know what they were doing. They were tired of being led in the opposite […]

The Official Coffee Of The Day Trading Academy

Bad Ass Coffee

When I offered to do the Military training with a few of the guys in the training program everyone was excited because it provided me an opportunity to do more effective training and it gave everyone an opportunity to receive an education that would far exceed what they were doing already. One-on-one training is best kind of training I learned a lot about the format and also the amount of energy that it takes to commit to one of the sessions. I have […]

Emini Trading Recap: March 21st: $5,000 Available

Day Trading Results

It’s  midweek and I can honestly say that it has been a fantastic week so far. I’m going to start making updates to the LTD Project in terms of what how I started, why I wanted to do this, and even how I chose the specific traders that I plan on incorporating in the program and training via the LTD Project. For those of you that do not know what the LTD Project is, I am taking a group of day traders […]

Over $6,500 Available: March 20th Recap 13+ Points

This is what I live for, you wake up and market is moving well, you don’t have to wait for any opportunities. The second you wake up and we turn on our monitors we are in and out of the market. I finished the day at 11am which is what I would like to do every day. The amount that money using the tagline above of just over $6000 is assuming 10 contracts. I want you to think about this for a […]

Over $4,000 Available: March 19th Market Recap

One of the hardest things for day traders to do is to not have a bias in the market. It’s very important to not think of an expected outcome without analyzing the market. In the recap for last week I noted that we had some of the lowest volume in years so when we approach this week’s trading we can’t automatically assume that were going to have low volume. Now overall the market has not been moving as much but that can […]

March 15th Recap & Results of One on One Session

I made it back, I’m still alive. After driving to the dungeons of the Best Western hotel, room for 435 to be exact, I have emerged victorious with a new one-on-one session under my belt.  The victim?  Don Giordano, a very young man in his 60s that came down to feel the wrath of Military Training. Okay seriously, it went exceptionally well and with the feedback that I’m getting from everyone that has experienced the Military Training I look forward to doing […]

New Military Training Is Alive & Kicking

Day trading in HoustonMeeting traders in Houston.

Definition of Military Training- The art of having a one-on-one, in-depth, no BS, training session at an exotic location around the world You know what the crazy part is? Right now I’m including this as part of the training program for free. No extra charge for “seminars”, no extra charges for “updates to a training program”,no extra charges for “updates the indicators”.  That sounds familiar doesn’t it?  Check out my post on day trading companies to get the low down on all […]

Over $3,000! Market Recap: March 14th

A little different when I start talking about the amount of money that you can make rather than the amount points isn’t it? The important thing that everyone has to know about the stock market, and specifically  day trading, is that you should not think about the money.  It is counter intuitive I know, but the whole focus when you day trade should be to win not to make money. When we think about the money our emotions get involved, we get […]

6+ Points In A Channeling Market: March 12th Recap

Want to know if you can make money in a channeling market? The simple answer is yes you can, the more complicated answer is what kind of day trading strategy do you have?  I find rules based trading to be non sense because we shouldn’t put rules on something that always changes (ie: the stock market). I have what I call a congressive (patent pending-lol) approach to trading that allows me to be conservative when the market is not moving well and […]