Willkommen in Berlin. Wir wünschen einen angenehmen Aufenthalt.
That is German for welcome to Berlin! Have a pleasant stay.
Currently in Berlin preparing for our Jordan trip that starts tomorrow at five in the morning. Luckily, I have yet to adapt to European time and have been going to bed at five in the morning. This should bode well with a nice connecting flight from Austria to Jordan.
Really excited about the comings and goings of things we have planned. We are so confident in our Congressive Day Trading System that preliminary plans to open a day trading centers around the world are in place.
What started as one day trading center is now plans for five different centers around the world.

The symbol of Berlin: Brandenburg Gate
Sometimes problems are good to have and we already have more than a handful of traders that are ready to join our DTA Trading Army (patent pending).
In other news, the market has been moving extremely well lately aside from some low volume this morning. Today was a phenomenal day for a myriad of lessons that we had in our live trading class in addition to our review class.
Next week we have a new graduate master trader that is going to run our live classes.
The concept here is to allow the traders that are making money with their own account live continue to get better with teaching. This really is what sets us apart from other day trading companies in the industry.
Teaching raises our level of awareness and improves our trading.
Soon we will be able to offer full live training in Spanish, Portuguese, English, and Gibberish. Who doesn’t use gibberish sometimes right?

My Ninjatrader charts from today
All kidding aside we may limit the openings into the training program even further to put all our energy behind are trading centers. Whenever we commit to someone we give everything we have and the trading centers are going to be nothing different.
Through and through what we specialize in is investing and day trading.
Just recently we were informed that Marcello Arrambide the, our CEO and founder, maybe speaking at a day trading event in Medellin, Colombia.
Most of our traders are done in an hour or two. Since the market has been moving so well it was decided to take a peek and see if we can extract a few points out of the market.
It took roughly 22 minutes to extract roughly $4000 from the market.
Probably left a significant amount of profits on the table by ending early but when traders get greedy that’s when bad things happen.
Look forward to sharing our results we look forward to seeing the market continue to move well. Our next update will be from the exotic Middle Eastern country of Jordan.
Stay profitable my friends.
Click here to see the complete list of Market Recaps
Session total is +3 Marcello. 😉
Very well done my man!
Yesterday was lucky to extract 8 points, thanks so much Macrhello, and have a pleasant journey to Jordan!
Peter we had quite a bit of traders that did very well so wouldn’t be that far fetched at all
I wish I could shot like that in all my trade.