Investing & Day Trading Education:  Day Trading Academy
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One Trade at a Time…

One Trade at a Time...

This article is adapted from an email response by our very own Master Trader Nikolai to one of our promising pro traders. The key to trading well is to truly understand and habituate a discrete process – one trade at a time, every trade is for itself. Emotions tend to carry-over from one premise to the next (because we are human), but they create an illusion of cause-effect or correlation, when in reality, trades are discrete events… Simple fact, but counter-intuitive to our […]

The Week Isn’t Over Yet But We Had To Share These Results

The Week Isn't Over Yet But We Had To Share These Results

The market has been rallying this week and we have seen a exceptional movement for trading.  We wanted to share last weeks results in the meantime because we have seen absolutely amazing market activity. Many of our traders have been able to excel in this type of environment. One of the most important things in learning how to day trade is understanding how to read the market properly. Our Master Traders are able to adapt to whatever the market has thrown at them. […]

Recap Of Our Student Charts From Today’s Live Class

0429 NinjaTrader Chart0429 NinjaTrader Chart

Want to thank everyone who joins us for the live market analysis class this morning. Even with one of the biggest news items of the year, FOMC, and a completely sideways market, we were able to extract roughly 6 pts (for beginners) from the market in roughly 1 hour. I wanted to share the charts from our student traders and Nikolai, our Bulgarian Master Trader, from their trading today for those that weren’t able to make it. 6 points for those of […]

Superman Proves You Don’t Have to Win Big Every Trade

Superman Proves You Don't Have to Win Big Every Trade

We are in an industry where large rewards are promised. In our fast paced culture we want everything yesterday. Many people think that they are going to learn how to day trade in a week and start making millions of dollars. Wrong. Learning how to trade takes patience, discipline, and tons of perseverance. Many people also don’t realize that we do have losing days and some days we don’t win big. We think it is important to be transparent and talk about the […]

What Do All Successful Traders Share?

Jim Nikolia Marcello MannyFrom left to right; Nikolai, Marcello, Jim, Manny

I recently had the privilege of going to our annual seminar to learn and meet students and teachers alike who have all had a tremendous impact in my own personal journey of making day trading my profession. Upon coming home and digesting all the great information I received I pondered on how I got here. Along this endless journey to be the best we can be at our profession I always look back and try to assess what was valuable and what wasn’t to […]

Trader Goes Live: 38.75% Return – 10 Straight Days Of Profit – No Losses (Less Than 1 Hour A Day)

Meet Danyel. Another trader that has gone live with amazing results. Danyel just achieved (count them) 10 straight days of profitable trades. He did not have one losing day!!   We would like to put this into perspective for you. You could be 18 years old with a full plate of University classes or 50 years young with a full family and career where you work 50-60 hours a week. You could be a mother raising newborns or even an entrepreneur that doesn’t think he […]

Master Trader Dr. Z Records His Live Trades/ In House Traders Close Out $2500 Position

Master Trader Dr. Z Records His Live Trades/ In House Traders Close Out $2500 Position

Our Master Trader Dr. Z shows us once again his ability to make profitable trades on a daily basis.   He demonstrates some key traits that are necessary to be a successful trader: being patient and waiting for the most opportune time to enter trades, and being flexible by adjusting his targets accordingly based on what he sees as the market moves.  He makes an overall profit of 4pt ($800 with 4 contracts or $2000 with 10 contracts) in roughly twenty minutes- […]

Student Trader Manny Cabrera – MDC Trading Academy

Student Trader Manny Cabrera - MDC Trading Academy

One our students is a very conservative trader Manny style of trading is most times he only takes a few trades a day and finished in roughly 10-15 minutes. Trading professionally for years now the reason why he has been so consistent is because he sticks to his plan on averaging 2-3 points per day. It isn’t about making a million dollars a day (maybe it will be once we have our hedge fund up and running) its about making money everyday. Here […]