Investing & Day Trading Education:  Day Trading Academy
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I Would Like To Sincerely Thank Each And Every One Of You

Imagine a man in his late teens looking for an opportunity to attain his freedom.  Think of a man that had to work for everything that he wanted because he was born in a third world country and he wasn’t given any free handouts.

Enter Marcello Arrambide, my life at 18 years old.

I envisioned myself as a business man but never day trading & traveling around the world.  To live a life of complete freedom is something difficult to attain.  Trying to describe the feeling is more difficult.

Freedom the best feeling in the world.

As a desperate young man in this industry I was soon parted with the capital I would soon attain.  A $25,000 student loan was signed, sealed, and delivered.  More student loans were delivered once I lost the original investment of $25,000 a month later.

Sleeping only a few nights a week with a full time job and a promise to an unforgiving mother to finish school, it wasn’t easy but I became a professional day trader 2 years later.

thank you

I highlight this story because I never planned on teaching after I left the last day trading company I was with.  I couldn’t stand by and watch a company’s focus go from producing profitable day traders to trying to up sell them every additional product available to mankind.

This includes day trading software that we don’t need  and even a new pair of day trading boxers, all “automatic signals” included.

Living in Ethiopia at the time, the notion of actually training traders never crossed my mind.

Traders at the previous company soon realized that the new partner in charge of training had more than a few skeletons in his closet, there were 30 or 60 to be exact.  A solid 30/60 days of day trading experience.

The students expecting a quality education after spending thousands of dollars soon knew that the gig was up.

I felt partly responsible since I left the company but as an honest man I left and started extending my rein of freedom.  These same traders that reached out to me via my WanderingTrader Investing & Travel Blog and asked for help.

I made a decision that day.  I would trade a little less, I would travel a little less, because nothing would feel better than seeing them have their own freedom.  That is the least I could give them after the way they were treated.

I want to thank those very traders and everyone that has made The Day Trading Academy what it is today.


The secret is we don’t use any software that supposedly tells us what we should do.  We don’t have, and I quote, “unique patented indicators” that were indeed created 20 years ago.  We certainly won’t sell them with different colors and names to pretend they are unique.  We also don’t hire kids off the street with zero market experience and pretend they are professional day traders.

We don’t use programmers nor education counselors.  We will not make deals to sell your email to other day trading companies in order to get more “leads”.

The only thing that we plan on being is day traders, because that is how we make a living.

Over the course of the last year a group of students have risen out of the darkness of unprofitability and have started seeing that infamous plus sign.  These are the very students that convinced me to start teaching again and help others achieve their dreams.

I want to sincerely thank every single one of them that has run live classes for us.  Without you we would have to hire a typical day trading scum bag (excuse my professional language).  The type that doesn’t know what he is doing but pretend that he does.

I want to thank all the students that keep us on our toes and add invaluable analysis to the market in order to improve Congressive Trading Strategy.  I never planned on ever teaching again and now we have bigger problems

There is a phrase, more profitable day traders, more problems.

We have so many students making money that we have to develop an entirely new curriculum to make them even better.

I want to sincerely thank every professional day trader that has facilitated the improvements & bullet proof Congressive System Trading.  It is more effective, powerful, and it has allowed us to keep our no nonsense approach to trading.  I don’t plan on ever taking credit for all the work you have done because without you the Day Trading Academy wouldn’t be what it is today.

We wouldn’t be talking about the possibility of opening a day trading center in Singapore & Colombia, only for Brazil, N. America, and Europe to follow.  The LTD Project has proven that we can increase the atrocious success rate in this industry.

On average only 10% of day traders make money.  Just visualize that for a moment, only one in ten traders actually make money and we have been able to increase those numbers to just one in three people.

We have been so overwhelmed with requests to join the training program that at one point we considered completely cutting off enrollment.  If it wasn’t for these student traders that have the same passion to help others achieve their dreams all of this wouldn’t be possible.

This is my sincere thank you, let’s make 2013 even better than 2012.


  1. Marcello,

    sei un GRANDEE compare – I do not have a clue about day trading, but what you say in your blog, is a source of inspiration , motivation and hopes, as human being we all live our lives having big hope and dreams, and the main messages I got from your blogs are feeding up my hopes and dreams…

    Keep up the amazing job done …


  2. Hi Marcello,
    You said “On average only 10% of day traders make money. Just visualize that for a moment, only one in ten traders actually make money and we have been able to increase those numbers to just one in three people.”

    Does that mean 66 percent of the people who take your course don’t make money?

    Thank you,

    1. Those results apply to the people that I have trained specifically via the LTD project. The same tools, techniques, and process is used to train the people that join the training program.

  3. Sorry I don’t fully understand, “Those results apply to the people that I have trained specifically via the LTD project. The same tools, techniques, and process is used to train the people that join the training program.”

    Is there 2 training programs and the other one besides LTD project has better odds for a trader to be a winner than 33 percent?

    1. Via the LTD project I have specifically chosen people to train in order to develop the training program that is now available to the select amount of people that we choose. There is only one training program that we offer, the statistics that I mentioned that we have been able to improve from 1 out of 10 to 1 out of three is specifically the people that I chose for the LTD project.

  4. Hello Marcello!
    I am waiting for the results today for who wins the free training program. I have been thinking about it all the time and I’m still excited that there is the possibility that I’m the one:D
    Keep up the good work! Thank you!

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