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Jan 29th Recap: Over $5,700 Available

I really should travel on Indian trains more often.

One of the things I love about day trading in India is the fact that we are a gorgeous 10.5 hours ahead of the market.

This means that my mornings involve lots of snoring and anything else one can concoct on a budding 3 month adventure through India.

It was quite an experience taking the train and the highest class available to book didn’t have privacy, comfortable pillows, nor a bathroom that smelled like glorious popery.  Not this train bathroom.

We traveled overnight from the holiest city of India, Varanasi, to the temple city of Khajurajo.  This is no ordinary temple city either, once housing over 80 temples there are now just 25 temples left standing.

The temples focus is the Kama Sutra.  To best describe the temples we will go back many years and  phrase it as the British put it when they first arrived and witnessed the horrors. Its stone porn.

I was able to get some trading during the third week of January and plan on uploading those shortly when we arrive in Agra to see the Taj Mahal.

One of the things to love about day trading, aside from being able to trade from anywhere in the world, is only having to trade for an hour or two a day.

Most day traders that are making money like our student experts who run some of our live market classes only lose a day or two every few months.  Some traders love the challenge of being able to beat the market everyday and decide to trade all day.

Other traders, like myself, like to put in the bank and go eat a Pasta Carbonara at the only five star hotel in Khajurajo, India.

Day trading is like traveling, there isn’t one right way to do it as long one is making the right decision.

Today we arrived in the early morning from our 8 hour train and took a nap. Awoken my the rumblings of the Kama Sutra we took a rickshaw to the Western set of temples and officially began our day.  We continued on to the Eastern group of Jain temples after some rickshaw haggling.

We were able to get a bit of shopping done.  We are starting to collect Asian artifacts for our Singapore day trading center and were able to get some amazing pieces to start.  Have a look at this beauty.

India Craftsmenship

We call her Nefertiti, she will be greeting traders at our Singapore trading center

One of the main reasons that we came to India was to look for the viability to open a day trading center here.  The “supposed” investing opportunities in India were also very appealing.  Everyone is touting the country as the next economic powerhouse.

With so many challenges for investing in 2013 it is important that we start to look elsewhere to get returns on our investments. It is one of the major focuses we are going to have this year to help the rising number of student doing so well with our Congressive Trading System.

Definitely could have kept trading for the entire day and made a bit more money with the market trending so well.  One of the things that many traders don’t remember are days like today.

It is built in human nature to only remember the negative aspects especially when it comes to trading.  When something negative happens such as losing money we feel it emotionally.  Losing money or not making money has a more powerful effect on our psyche than making money or having a positive day.

Just last week the market seemed as if it was going nowhere and then we had one day that would make up for two weeks worth of losses.  With such strong overall momentum we definitely could have held a held a lot more.

Overall View of the market today Jan 29th

One can look closely and see the yellow circles on the chart above and how the market reached every single area.  We were anticipating the market to reach these areas by understanding where the market was going to go.  Have a set of day trading indicators & software try to tell you that.

Just a simple technique with Fibonacci confluence areas and we are able to easily identify where the market is going.

Tomorrow we will be heading to Agra to see the impeccably beautiful Taj Mahal.

Stay profitable my friends

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