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Day Trading Academy’s Blog

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Global Investing Blog — Day Trading Blog

This Is The Last Hooray For The United States Dollar And The Present World Economy

This Is The Last Hooray For The United States Dollar And The Present World Economy

Investors have observed a rally of the United States dollar over the last few weeks. This is more a result of what is happening to other major world currencies, than what is occurring in the United States. The analogy one can be put forward is that the American dollar (USD) is the cleanest shirt, among the soiled shirts in the dirty clothes closet. That is among the poor options available, the dollar remains the best choice among investors. Quantitative easing on a mass […]

Invest In The Real Estate Of Historic Croatia

Invest In The Real Estate Of  Historic Croatia

If an investor is looking for a reasonable price for real estate in Europe one should consider Croatia. The country is one of the most beautiful countries on the continent. Croatia has everything a potential home buyer could want. There are unspoiled beaches, clear blue seas and lakes, fishing villages and medieval walled cities. There are ruins from every main period of history from the Roman period to the present day. There is an entire mostly pristine lake district, with picturesque mountain […]

Trader Shares His Journey: Over A Month With No Losing Days (Colombian Traders Net $5903.20 In Profits)

Trader Shares His Journey: Over A Month With No Losing Days (Colombian Traders Net $5903.20 In Profits)

We just returned from the United States to pick up necessary technology for our new trading center that we are setting up here in Colombia. Things are moving much faster than expected and we are going to host our first ever MTU, Military Training University. This is where we are going to have a small intimate group of traders with us as we provide training via a live market environment. We are bringing down three of our Master Traders to help maximize […]

Will Investors Benefit From An Independent Scotland?

Will Investors Benefit From An Independent Scotland?

An independent Scotland will only be viable if investors deem the country worthy of further capital. The date of the referendum is only days away. At the moment the polls show a very close vote between those in favor and those opposed. Outside all the political fanfare one must question will Scotland be able to muster the resources necessary to chart an independent course? The referendum is mostly being decided on identity and power. More emphasis should be placed on the calculation […]

Invest In Sweden: To Exploit The Upcoming Bonanza In Wind Power

Invest In Sweden: To Exploit The Upcoming Bonanza In Wind Power

A well considered investment in the wind power industry can be made in Sweden at this time. The present boom in this commercial enterprise is worth at least 6 billion USD (United States Dollar). The bonanza began when the nations of Norway and Sweden signed an accord in 2012, that they would share the renewable energy being generated in wind. As western Europe’s biggest natural gas and oil producer Norway has decided to make a major investment in wind power. The country plans […]

Investors Take Notice: Europe Is Beginning Quantitative Easing

Investors Take Notice: Europe Is Beginning Quantitative Easing

International investors need to consider what the announcement last week that the European Central Bank (ECB) was going to start quantitative easing (QE) will mean. The Europeans on the continent are going to join the most notable nations of Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States in the policy of creating more money. By purchasing asset backed securities and Euro-denominated bonds on a massive scale the ECB is hoping for several things to occur. The announcement came on 4th of September […]

Stock Watchlist August 25th ($1628.80 In Profits So Far)

Stock Watchlist August 25th ($1628.80 In Profits So Far)

So far we have been able to see excellent results in not only the US Equity markets but also the Colombian markets.  We have been able to work closely with Colombian traders to see gains of over 20% in the Colombian stock market. Soon we will be able to extract profits from the both the Mexican and Brazilian markets as well. The goal is to have the opportunity to diversify and also look to make higher profits overseas. With the dollar devaluation […]

Investors Should Consider A Long Term Stake In Drone Technology

Investors Should Consider A Long Term Stake In Drone Technology

Investors can feel confident that there will be a demand for drone technology in both the consumer and commercial markets. The applications will become endless as government organizations, corporations and individuals will find increasing uses for these devices. Widespread utilization has been inhibited by the cost of the computer components and platforms that these machines require in their engineering. The expenditures in the manufacture of drones are now dropping to the point where a revolution in the industry is about to take […]

Make A Timely Investment In Uranium

Make A Timely Investment In Uranium

Investors in uranium need to know that the largest mine for this commodity in the world, is located in western Canada. It was recently announced that Cameco Corporation the owner of the McArthur River uranium mine, had failed to reach an agreement with unionized workers. The lack of a new contract will lead to a shutdown in production at the site. This is important because the mine located in northern Saskatchewan possesses the highest grade uranium deposit known to exist. In addition, […]

Invest In Ireland: The Celtic Tiger Is Back

Invest In Ireland: The Celtic Tiger Is Back

Investors should once again consider Ireland as an ideal place for entrepreneurial activity. From 1995 to 2007 Ireland exhibited the highest growth rates in Europe at 6%. One of the keys to making Ireland the Celtic Tiger in investment and growth was the exceptional low corporate tax rate of 12.5%. During those years the country transformed itself into a modern knowledge economy. The focus was on high-tech industries and services. The national economy of Ireland became dependent on industry, trade and most […]