It is that time of the year again! Every year we host our annual pro trader’s seminar in a different location around the world. So far we have held this exciting event on three different continents. We hold our core value of being able to day trade and travel around the world to heart by making these events in different places every year.

What the seminar should look like at the Westin Tampa Bay
With our new day trading center moving along quite nicely in Colombia soon we will be able to host a plethora of traders. We will be able to offer one on one live training that we call Military Training. In two weeks we have one of our Master Traders flying to London to perform a full week Military Training session with a new member of our progam. We have mentioned in the past how we have been able to increase success rates from the industry average of just 1 out of 10 traders to 1 out 3.
This represents a huge 300% increase in results.
With three internships with the most prestigious university here in Medellin called EAFIT we are happy to announce that one of those traders is ready to go live. In just three and a half weeks from officially beginning the program he is now ready to go live and continues to show promising results.
He has officially broken a new record as the fastest we have seen a person go live which is 6 weeks.
Our seminar this year is going to a bit different since we have so many of our Master Traders in attendance. Ideally, we always like to keep the seminar size small to maximize effectiveness and learning ability. This year the stars aligned and we had Jim Steel (Superman), Manny Cabrera (The Trading Connoisseur), and of course the friendly neighborhood Hit Man (Nikolai) all attending this years event.
We plan on hosting a record number of traders and also plan on introducing a new Master Trader Day (beta). This allows us to share more advanced concepts so everyone continues to improve their skill even our very own Master Traders. We even are going to have some up and coming Master Traders in attendance as well.
It is great to see the DTA Family growing into such a successful group of traders!
This was the vision that we had when we first were requested to start The Day Trading Academy (DTA) while we were living in Ethiopia.
One of the special things that we have at this year’s seminar is the attendance of the first two members of DTA from Colombia. For Oscar, it will be his first time in the United States and we plan on showing him a good time with good ol’ American cuisine.

Oscar & Sebas getting ready for duty!
We plan on starting off with some of America’s finest of course, 7-Eleven hot dogs glazed with impeccable packaged nacho cheese and onions. At 11pm when we pick him up on Thursday night. To wash that down he will have the infamous sugar topped Slurpee. Since they challenged us to the “Best Hamburger In The World” competition we plan on taking them to Five Guys. A hamburger that costs over $10 should definitely do the trick right? RIGHT?
The official festivities of the seminar will begin shortly after that with a small soiree at none other than DTA’s Mother’s house. We are planning a DTA Testosterone day trading sleep over party. Since we consider everyone to be family nothing says home like family. And nothing says home like a fifty pound 13 cheese lasagna hangover to start the seminar bright and early on Saturday.
Enjoy the video below and you’ll see why we were celebrating our huge marijuana stock gains in the Galapagos Islands.