This post is by one of our student traders and I wanted to highlight his feelings on getting back to profitability. I told him in an email that it was important to capture this moment because in the future he will become one of our pro graduate master traders.
I remember his e-mail vividly when he told me that he wanted to get serious and he needed to make this work. We work together little by little with rough patches along the way and he began to look at the market the right way.
This trader has been with me for quite some time and was around during the birth of The Day Trading Academy. He was part of the group of traders that convinced me to start teaching again. At one point I was day trading and traveling around the world and we had no intentions of ever teaching again after I left the previous company I was with.
This group of traders that convinced me to start teaching gave me the pleasure of seeing what was possible when you’re able to give someone else their dream of freedom. Really excited to be sharing some of the stories of our traders that have quit their jobs and are trading full time now and even taking their families to exotic locations like Italy. This is really what it is all about.
I wanted to highlight this story because once he started paying attention to the right things he started to climb back into profitability. May was his first profitable month and I wanted to share this moment. Really love to share these stories on the blog, here is his recap:
Never Give Up
There it is in black and white. My trading log shows 104 trades last month (May ’13) with only a 58% win rate….. but still PROFITABLE! I can’t express enough the gratitude I feel for Marcello and the DTA students for helping me pass the threshold. I still have a lot of work to do but at least now I know that this is REAL and I can do this!
I know that may sound weird for someone to say, but I have taken a lot of hard lessons. When you blow up multiple accounts you start to question the reality of day trade for a living. I am sure that I am not the only student that has at least one time questioned the success claimed by the master traders. I remember at one time I wanted to see bank account statements from the people selling programs and strategies as proof.
To date I have tried 10 different programs before coming to DTA and have been getting my ass beat for four years. For example, in one program I lost $35,000 in 60 days. Below is a statement showing $27k I lost in the first 30 days. I am sharing this embarrassing and personal experience to maybe help someone else to never give up.

His day trading losses in the beginning before DTA
In thinking about my journey I see that the turning point for me was not necessarily “being tired of losing” but more psychological. Obviously, anyone would be tired of losing thousands of dollars. However, everyone is different and for me the issue was “Belief”. I needed to believe in myself and a system.
I needed to truly believe that trading for a living is possible, surround myself with successful traders who are walking the walk and trust in a program. I also needed to get more disciplined and log every trade to track my progression.

day trading results
At the end of the day, I am grateful for all of the struggles. I think that if trading came easily for me in the beginning, I would be setting myself up potentially for harder lessons and greater losses. If you are struggling like I did keep going and consider previous loss as progress. Consider these as lessons and cost for education. Above all never give up!
Soooooooo gooooood to hear others going thru similar obstacles.
Marcellos system works. I see it everyday even when I am make wtong decisions.
The hardest part is believing in yourself.
Hopefully I will be writing a post here too to inspire as well.
Hey, what are the clearing fees and the exchange fees ? I thought we had to pay only commissions ??
Those are part of the commissions Dominic.. we are working on a way to get rid of those for everyone that is part of DTA
You cant clear exchange fees bro. Unless your an off shore US co. brokers are not legally allowed to compensate you for brining them clients, or you have to be an IB.
Hey Kabong… I said nothing about “brokers compensating commissions”. I said there is a way to remove those fees. I can assure you there is a way to do that. I also would advise you that there is a way to trade out of multiple accounts as well. Most people don’t realize that is possible either. Thanks for the note Kabong.
Great to see real statements and DTAs .. that is the best way to tell a story. Great job and story. This is the best sales pitch you can present, real statements are a rarity to see.
great story , nice work on a positive comeback
Trading is a lot like life itself. Think about it….
Awesome. It’s all mental and you proved it by breaking through. Congrats. Hard work pays off for sure…
Very similar experience to my own – nice to know I’m not alone. We get so fired-up after spending up to $6k on a new program (six+ times) and thinking we now have the magic keys only to watch our account go bust in a matter of days. After awhile the self-doubts loom large and you wonder if you just weren’t built to be a trader. I’ve only been with the DTA program two weeks but already feel the confidence returning.
I agree, this story feels like my own journey as well…where as I am still in the pre stage of the final phase 4 (finally executing to what is obvious and confirmed by the successful traders)- ending of phase 3 (fear after hitting rock bottom)….
Congratulations regarding this achievement and the determination and endurance to reach this final stage!!!
I still am convinced it was the right decision to start trading, but I would have never imagined that is that difficult….it looks so easy, but it is probably one of the most challenging jobs to do.
The endurance to consistently stick to very tight rules, that demand patients, self emotion control and mental strength to stick to the plan (the edge), the again ensuring you constantly check if your edge is still valid in the current market environment…man this demands a lot, it is like a super athlete – only for mental strength…hence only 5-10% are able to make constant profit over many years…
Respect for this achivement!
Marcello, are you kind of hispanic? I’ve noted that you speak spanish, what’s your origin?
Kevin.. I am half Italian half Spanish
Hi Marcello
I’ve seen some video of your Colombian academy where your traders are mentored in a live environment by your senior students. Is it possible for someone like me (living in Nevada, US) to learn the system with only online guidance? I consider myself intelligent but completely inexperienced in the market.
Yes Jess absolutely… we do most of our training online actually.
What’s a point worth when trading one contract?
$50 per point per contract Jose
How much does the DTA program cost?
Martin… that depends on the availability. You can contact us through the contact page and we would be happy to let you know what we have available.
Catherine K says:
I joined last week (Feb 16, 2015) and understanding it so far. Your Master trader, Jonathan has been GREAT! He is very helpful. I never did anything with stocks or the market before. I joined after I seen Marcello on House Hunters International. They showed the places where he traveled and said that he was a day trader, I never heard of that. He was so happy and seem very genuine. I immediately got on the web for day trader. I didn’t know he had an academy. It took me 2 weeks to join after reading every log that was posted and I read everything about he’s school. It looks very promising. I hope to master this! I’m, in 110%. On my wall I have a note that says YOU CAN DO ANYTHING IF YOU PUT YOUR MIND TO IT!
Thanks Marcello, I hope I will meet you some day!
Great to hear that you are doing well Catherine!! You are well on your way to being a consistently profitable trader. We look forward to getting you there!
Aloha Marcello.
I first heard of you when I came across your YouTube video about Medellin. That lead me to your DTA. I’ve heard of day trading but really know nothing about it. Looks like you could make a lot of money fast, but also loose it just as fast or faster if your not prepared and don’t know what your doing. I like your trading philosophy and what ever your curriculum and method of training, is it works. The proof being the number of successful students you have trained.
I’m a 65 years old retired firefighter. My wife and I live on a fixed income. With the way the economy is looking today i have concerns about the future of our retirement income. We need to have something that could replace our retirement income if we lost it. I would like to learn to become a successful day trader but can’t afford to loose a lot of money in the process (my wife would kill me). Day trading would be something I could do at home as I,m not able to work. How much money would you suggest that I have to start with. Also what is the cost of your course and what equipment will i need.
Mr B
Hey Mr. B, Marcello here, good to hear from you. Day trading can absolutely cost you a lot of money if you don’t know what you’re doing, just like in any other financial field. That’s one of the main reasons why the DTA was founded. I’m going to have one of my traders email you and go in depth with you over any questions you may have about day trading and our programs here. Thanks for your message!
Marcello, could you do the same thing for me as Mr B?
Hey David, absolutely. I’ll have one of my traders get in contact with you today.
Hello Marcello, im 16 and i want to learn early how to day trade. I havent had any experience on this field at all. Im fascinated with the fact that many people can live the life they want after following the program. Im looking forward to see your replies. Thanks.
Its never too early to start!! Let us know if you have any specific questions otherwise you can contact us here
Thanks for the story that gives me hope, however I don’t want to loose that kind of money, I want to dò the right thing from the word go. I am sure I can do it.
Hello Marcello, We often hear the many stories of the loses that traders encounter in their effort to make trading successful, in many cases the money they lose is hard earned and they then lose support of family and friends. Trading becomes more difficult and most give up just because there doesn’t seem to be a way to be successful… It is encouraging to hear success stories, I hope to be a success as well. I am traveling to Columbia in October I hope I can train with you and your team.
Sounds awesome Howard look forward to seeing you there!
Hello Marcello,
I am trying to get into trading Emini S&P futures though I am having trouble finding a broker. I don’t have much experience and only have under 10k starting capital. The brokers are denying my applications because I dont have enough money but It seems like people have started with little amounts too. If you can help me out finding a good broker that would be awesome.
Thanks for all the awesome content. is who I use for all my traders.
Hi Marcello,
My name is dean Scott. Iv been in touch with yourself and on of your traders (Tom) I think it was, he was very helpful in his reply. I’m currently on holiday but I’m almost certain that I’m going to join the course.
If possible, are you able to put a rough figure on what “potentially” a good day trader can make?? Not the best trader on the planet, just a decent trader?? I know there are many many factors to this question. The reason I ask is because I’m currently in construction. I have my own small business that does pretty well but I don’t wanna be in construction the rest of my life. We only get one shot at life and I’d much rather be sipping mojitos somewhere than lifting timber onto a job in the snow!!
Dean day trading is infinitely scalable. To give you an example there is a trader that trades the Arab Shieks money and also the Queen of England’s (or her family however you want to phrase it) fund. Can really make quite a bit. Don’t want you to think that it happens overnight because most people think that they start trading and next week they are going to make millions by next Friday but… if one is disciplined, persistent, and follows his/her plan it is definitely possible to make quite a bit of money.
As I had a similar experience after my successful first month of day trading without knowing much
and regularly loosing money afterwards,I tried different methods,technical analysis software’s, tips but nothing was working out
Hi, does this program cost 500 U$D or less?… where is the price?….i see you just advertise your services but don´t disclose prices for your services … please inform how much you charge for your services or is this a public secret? Thanks
Hey Maria we don’t put the prices on the site, because we do not accept everyone in the program. If you would like to contact to discuss here is the link
Isn’t it interesting that on the days he had the highest Win/Loss ratio, were the days he made the least amount of trades…. Seems that he might be able to work on not overtrading and get his profitability a lot higher. Just a thought. 🙂