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The Dangerous Nuclear Charade With Iran Continues

The Dangerous Nuclear Charade With Iran Continues

The second diplomatic deadline has now passed and once again there is no agreement. The United States government continues to insist that a nuclear deal is possible and almost appears desperate to get one. The nations of France, China, Germany, Russia and the United Kingdom along with the United States are attempting to delay what many analysts predict is inevitable. That is that Iran will become the second nuclear power in the region, after Israel. The only way to prevent an Iranian […]

China’s Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank: The Passing Of The Torch

China’s Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank: The Passing Of The Torch

At first glimpse a new investment bank for infrastructure, would seem like a totally noncontroversial occurrence that will benefit Asian nations in desperate need of additional funding. In reality, is has become the latest challenge to American and Western hegemony over international finance and investment. The Asian bank is a massive new initiative by China to partially circumvent existing Western institutions like the World Bank, which is controlled by the United States and Europe. The Americans have been attempting to dissuade other […]

Federal Reserve Bank Of The United States: The Lion In Winter

Federal Reserve Bank Of The United States: The Lion In Winter

The Federal Reserve Bank of the United States which is the American equivalent of a central bank, has been the major driver of artificial economic growth not only at home but around the globe. The historic low interest rates that have been in place since 2008, have created a distortion in the domestic economy that in turn has created bubbles in certain sectors. The same can be said internationally where the overabundance of American dollars has had a similar effect in various […]

Invest In The Mineral Wealth Of South Africa

Invest In The Mineral Wealth Of South Africa

Making an investment in the mineral wealth of South Africa while precious metals are low in price globally, is one way to capitalize on the general decline in value for commodities at the present time. The country is a world leader and virtual treasure house of a number of valuable minerals. South Africa has become a key player in the global mining industry and has been so for generations. It has been the driving force behind making the country the richest and […]

The Impact On Investment With The Reelection Of Netanyahu In Israel

The Impact On Investment With The Reelection Of Netanyahu In Israel

Elections have consequences and the reelection of Israeli Prime Minster Netanyahu will be no different. This stunning electoral upset will have an impact on investment, that will reach far beyond the borders of Israel. There were various factors that lead to a landslide victory for an unprecedented nonconsecutive 4th term for Netanyahu, who has been Prime Minster since 2009. It had become a referendum on his policies. The last minute turn around, was most likely due to a sharp turn to the […]

What Will A Strong American Dollar Mean To The World Economy

What Will A Strong American Dollar Mean To The World Economy

The American dollar is now hitting new 12 year highs. This has been the fastest rise in 40 years. The major currencies of the world continue to sink against the United States dollar (USD). As world commodities are priced in dollars, the rapid decent in their cost is creating new misery in developing nations. Many of these countries are overly dependent on these industrial raw materials. World trade is attempting to readjust to a strong dollar with some unexpected results. Part of […]

Coming Soon Investments With Zero Returns

Coming Soon Investments With Zero Returns

It is increasingly difficult in this market to find an investment vehicle that will provide a good return. Where can an investor attempt to make money in this present economy? In the current world environment of increasing government regulation and taxes on economic activity, it is becoming ever more challenging to find an avenue to invest for future growth and security. Returns are getting ever closer to zero, for an increasing number of investors. There are for the moment at least, declining […]

A Return To Sustainable Global Economic Growth Is Unlikely

A Return To Sustainable Global Economic Growth Is Unlikely

Around the world central banks and governments attempt to bring the return of growth to their domestic economies. Ever lower interest rates and bouts of quantitative easing in various amounts, have become widespread across the globe. As each nation attempts to gain a competitive edge in exports by forcing the value of their national currency lower, it only encourages the next nation to follow suit. The hope remains that if only enough liquidity is injecting into the domestic economy, the halcyon days […]

Argentina: A Case Study In Economic Mismanagement

Argentina: A Case Study In Economic Mismanagement

An investor might wonder why would the 8th largest nation in the world with abundant natural resources and a well educated populace, continues to lurch from one economic crisis to the other. The nation of Argentina has been mismanaged since independence over 200 years ago. In keeping with that tradition, the country defaulted on its debt for the second time in 13 years in July 2014. Of course according to the government of Argentina, it was the result of some bond holders […]

The Disaster of American Foreign Policy Under President Barack Obama

The Disaster of American Foreign Policy Under President Barack Obama

The foreign policy of the United States of America under President Barack Obama is a disaster and is only going to get worse. It is difficult to point to any real success and the policy of leading from behind has been totally discredited. Around the world the enemies of the United States and its allies are on the move. The total collapse of the post war framework, put in place by the West after victory in World War II in 1945 and […]