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Investing in Argentina

Investing in Argentina can be challenging. One must know if investing in Argentina is even a good idea considering the economic crisis that the country has every 10 years.

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An Economic New Beginning In Argentina For Investors

An Economic New Beginning In Argentina For Investors

Argentinian voters have tired over the confrontational style and protectionist policies of President Cristina Fernandez, that in the end have impoverished the very people that she purports to want to help. As economic conditions worsened in Latin America’s third largest economy, the government began to fabricate and manipulate the numbers to the point that no one could put any credence in officially posted data. As a result, foreign investors abandoned the country in droves. The endless spending has proved unsustainable with the […]

Argentina: A Case Study In Economic Mismanagement

Argentina: A Case Study In Economic Mismanagement

An investor might wonder why would the 8th largest nation in the world with abundant natural resources and a well educated populace, continues to lurch from one economic crisis to the other. The nation of Argentina has been mismanaged since independence over 200 years ago. In keeping with that tradition, the country defaulted on its debt for the second time in 13 years in July 2014. Of course according to the government of Argentina, it was the result of some bond holders […]

Cry For Argentina But Don’t Invest There

Casa Rosada in Buenos AiresCasa Rosada in Buenos Aires

Thinking about investing in Argentina? Argentina has everything that is needed to be rich and prosperous except a government that respects and encourages private investment and development. The population of Argentina stands at over 42 million which means that it can sustain a strong internal consumer market as well as an export driven economy with sufficient investment. Although close to 1 out of 3 residents of the nation reside in the capital of Buenos Aires there is sufficient population spread throughout the […]