A timely investment in Dewmar International BMC, Inc. (DEWM) would be a good idea at this time. The Las Vegas Nevada based company which has a 52 week stock price range of .01 to .03 has great growth potential as the legalization of hemp increases across North America particularly the United States.
Dewmar at the close of the market on Friday February 28, saw a gain of 31.58% for the day. The stock increased 0.0036 bringing the stock price to $0.015.
Dewmar through it subsidiary DSD Network of America, Inc., is occupied in the manufacture and sale of Lean Slow Motion Potion brand relaxation beverage primarily in the United States, Mexico, Trinidad and Tobago.
At present the beverage is offered in 3 flavors which include Yella, Purp, and Easta Pink.

Hemp Seeds
The company primarily serves the community of hip hop music and the under age 40 demographic of various races and ethnic backgrounds.
Consumers searching for a drug free, non-alcoholic beverage might wish to try the brand offered by the company. The drink offers aid in relaxation and provides light sedation for the goal of stress reduction and sleep assistance.

Dried Hemp
Why buy this penny stock now? The reason is that Dewmar announced the acquisition of U.S. Hemp Corporation on February 20, 2014 as a wholly-owned subsidiary for the purpose of holding and marketing the future hemp related assets of Dewmar.
Dewmar already has the infrastructure in place to quickly market and sell new products that will become available as hemp legalization expands in North America and elsewhere.
An example of this expansion is the one year exclusive distribution agreement with C+Swiss, the original and first hemp-based ice tea ever distributed in the United States. (C+ Swiss Hemp Ice Tea)

Hemp Beers
The agreement was signed with Chill Drinks, LLC, a Miami, Florida-based company the creator of C+Swiss and Chillo another a (hemp-based energy beverage). C+ is sold in both specialist and large retailers, including Whole Foods. The product is distributed in over 10 countries and has experienced growth of over 30% in the past 7 years.

Hemp Non Dairy Milk
Currently, over half of the sales from hemp based products are within the food and beverage category.
Why purchase hemp based products? Hemp has remarkable therapeutic benefits. The seeds contain a more complete amino acid profile than red meat and fish. The Omega-3 fatty acids can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and lower blood pressure.
Hemp is being studied in muscular sclerosis, cancer and a wide range of other medical conditions.
The co-branding and professional consulting agreement with a subsidiary of HEMP (the Industrial Hemp and Medical Marijuana Consulting Company will allow the company to expand its reach.
It will allow Dewmar to target thousands of smoke shops and head shops across the country with multiple diverse product launches.
Dewmar’s management has announced that it intends to seek numerous partnerships, joint ventures, and exclusive licensing product agreements as well as actual acquisitions of companies and product lines within the industrial hemp and medical marijuana arena.
The market capitalization of the company is at 15.16 million and the value of the enterprise is estimated to be 10.56 million. Outstanding shares are at 1.01 billion and the share volume was 344,870,113.
There is now a great potential for future growth given the new direction the company has taken in the last few weeks.
Great information, by timely investment are referring to buying outright stocks or something else? I am a beginner, please excuse my lack of proper terminology.
Yes, the recommendation is to consider a purchase of the stock outright based on the information provided and your own judgement. In order to do this you will need to open up an account with a broker and deposit the amount of money required to achieve this task. Our job is to give the reader/investor some options in making investments on the whole. Beyond that you will need to make your own decisions as far as individual investments.