Investors in uranium need to know that the largest mine for this commodity in the world, is located in western Canada. It was recently announced that Cameco Corporation the owner of the McArthur River uranium mine, had failed to reach an agreement with unionized workers. The lack of a new contract will lead to a shutdown in production at the site. This is important because the mine located in northern Saskatchewan possesses the highest grade uranium deposit known to exist. In addition, […]
Jeffrey Hagenmeier
Invest In Ireland: The Celtic Tiger Is Back
Investors should once again consider Ireland as an ideal place for entrepreneurial activity. From 1995 to 2007 Ireland exhibited the highest growth rates in Europe at 6%. One of the keys to making Ireland the Celtic Tiger in investment and growth was the exceptional low corporate tax rate of 12.5%. During those years the country transformed itself into a modern knowledge economy. The focus was on high-tech industries and services. The national economy of Ireland became dependent on industry, trade and most […]
Investors In Europe Should Know GDP Economic Calculations Are About To Change
Investors need to be aware that in Europe revisions in how to calculate GDP (Gross Domestic Product) are about to take place. The transformation will take place in September of this year. The end result is to make the individual economies of European nations larger then is presently reported. The same effort was achieved in the United States last year. If the politicians don’t like the economic statistics as reported then just change them. The objective is to magnify the wealth of […]
The Future Has Arrived With Robotics In Agriculture
Investors now have another opportunity to be part of a major growth industry. The future of agriculture lies with increased mechanization and robotics. It has allowed greater efficiency and cost savings across the sector. Farmers from around the world are seriously making robots part of their business plan and daily operation. In parts of the world where land and labor are expensive, there is a definite need to increase productivity and to develop higher value crops. Robotics in agriculture are becoming an […]
Invest In The Asian Dragon Taiwan: The Other China
An investor in East Asia may wish to consider Taiwan one of the four original economic Asian Dragons. This economic entrepreneur known as the Republic of China or simply the other China has been a good investment opportunity for two generations. The economy for the second business quarter is surging ahead by 3.8%. As a mostly developed economy, that rate is quite substantive. Growth is being powered by an increase in the export of electronics, increased consumer demand and most significantly an […]
How The 2014 National Elections Of The United States Will Effect Investment And Debt
Investors at long last will be able to witness positive change in the governing of the United States. The elections of 2014 to be held in November, will see the Republican Party recapturing the Senate and maintaining control over the House of Representatives. The legislative lame duck session that follows, will witness the last gasp of a failed agenda and will begin the twilight of the Obama Presidency. Americans have at last come to realize that executive and business experience are valuable […]
Invest In Whole Foods For The Longer Term
Investors should take a look at Whole Foods (WFM). This company is an American foods supermarket that has locations in the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom. The chain specializes in natural and organic foods and has become quite popular in the communities where it is based. The first store was opened in Austin Texas, which serves as the corporate headquarters today. Beginning in 1980, four years later the company expanded to Houston and Dallas. In 1988 the company expanded to […]
Attention Investors: Economic Growth In Europe Is In The Tank
For international investors figures don’t lie. The recovery in Europe overall is grinding to a halt. The Euro-zone grew just by 0.2% in the first quarter of 2014. That would only be 0.8% at an annual rate. The bright spot at the beginning of the year was Germany. The German economy had expanded at a rate of 0 .7% in the first quarter. As the 4th largest economy in the world and the biggest economy in the Europe, growth there was vital […]
Investors Will Witness More Volatility In Silver With The End Of Price Fixing
Investors in silver might have been unaware that the price of silver has not determined by the market but rather set in the United Kingdom. This has been the case for the past 117 years. The practice of silver fixing began in 1897 at a London office of Sharps & Wilkins. The price of silver was determined with the aforementioned and the former dealers Mocatta & Goldsmid, Pixley & Abell, and Samuel Montagu & Co. For a hundred years traders took order […]
Attention Investors: Gold Reserves In The United States Are Nearly Gone
Investors in gold need to be aware that the government of the United States has been lying to the world for years. The national vaults of Fort Knox hold minimum reserves of gold or they are virtually empty. It is the only logical explanation to the nonsensical attitude being displayed by the United States Treasury and the Federal Reserve Bank. There has been no federal or outside audit of the gold reserves being held in Fort Knox since 1953. President Eisenhower was […]