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Venezuela: President Maduro Begins His Second Term As Economy Collapses

Venezuela: President Maduro Begins His Second Term As Economy Collapses

Nicolas Maduro was inaugurated as President of Venezuela for a second term in early January. He can now be seen as one of the worst peacetime leaders ever, not only in the history of the country, but worldwide. A second six year term for Maduro, will bring nothing short of catastrophe, for the long suffering citizenry. As the economy collapses, Maduro is running out of gimmicks and excuses to explain why his brand of socialism,will fail to bring anything to the people, […]

Venezuela On The Precipice Of Civil War As The Economy Collapses

Venezuela On The Precipice Of Civil War As The Economy Collapses

The economic downward spiral for Venezuela is reaching a critical stage. Desperate citizens wait in line for hours, just for the opportunity to buy dwindling supplies of basic food and provisions. As the authoritarian regime clings to power, the country nears the precipice of open civil war. The socialist economy created by former President Hugo Chavez in the early 2000s and continued by his successor Nicolas Maduro, has totally broken down. The economy has already shrunk by a third, in the last […]

The Economic And Political Collapse Of Venezuela

The Economic And Political Collapse Of Venezuela

As the economy of Venezuela nears collapse, the leftist government of President Nicolas Maduro resolutely attempts to cling to power. The opposition would like to end the present regime through a referendum, while Maduro is going to court to block this effort. Meanwhile, the country is descending into chaos. The shortage of basic consumer necessities is becoming increasingly widespread and violence is spreading, as the citizenry becomes desperate. Venezuela has is now one of the world’s most violent countries. Food riots and savage […]