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Investing in the United Kingdom

United Kingdom: Weighing The Cost of A Brexit

United Kingdom: Weighing The Cost of A Brexit

The national referendum on June 23 will decide the direction of the United Kingdom in the 21st century. It is one of the most important determinations, the electorate will make in their life times. The decision is rather simple, will the country remain as part of the European Union (EU) or will the United Kingdom being the 5th largest global economy, move towards becoming an independent entity once again? The conclusion will effect the pattern of of investment, for years to come. […]

Will Elections In The United Kingdom Bring About A European Exit?

Will Elections In The United Kingdom Bring About A European Exit?

  The national elections in the United Kingdom on May 07th is a crossroads for the future of the country. There are not only enormous economic implications, but political ones as well at stake. One is the future of the nation and its role within the European Economic Community (EEC). Will Mr. Cameron the incumbent Prime Minister, be able to renegotiate the role of of his country within the EEC or will he end up being the navigator of a long feared […]

Will Investors Benefit From An Independent Scotland?

Will Investors Benefit From An Independent Scotland?

An independent Scotland will only be viable if investors deem the country worthy of further capital. The date of the referendum is only days away. At the moment the polls show a very close vote between those in favor and those opposed. Outside all the political fanfare one must question will Scotland be able to muster the resources necessary to chart an independent course? The referendum is mostly being decided on identity and power. More emphasis should be placed on the calculation […]

Helping to Put the Great Back in Britain by Investing There

Helping to Put the Great Back in Britain by Investing There

Does an investment in Britain make sense? To Put the Great Back in Britain was the battle cry for the Conservatives under Margaret Thatcher during her tenure as Prime Minister in the 1980’s. Today with the Conservatives back in power, despite all the rhetoric, the way to prosperity for Britain is no great mystery. Growth needs to be driven through a revitalization of exports. This is easier said then done. As an open trading nation Britain has become complacent over the years […]