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Invest in Solar Energy

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Solar Power: A Major Growth Industry In Africa

Solar Power: A Major Growth Industry In Africa

Africa south of the Sahara Desert has well over 900 million people. Yet this extensively large region, consumes less electricity than most American states or the smallest countries in Europe. Solar power could well be the answer for a continent that has not undergone the energy revolution of the 20th century. Large swaths of the population still rely on power sources from the 19th century. This lack of investment in infrastructure, is one reason why this area of the world, continues to […]

Invest in Solar Power with SolarCity Corporation

Invest in Solar Power with SolarCity Corporation

An investment in solar power is one way to get into the energy market. A number of analysts feel that because of the gas and oil revolution brought on by fracking alternative energy no longer is a viable investment. It is still feasible if one invests in a company that is well managed and has good products for the consumer market. It is true that solar power in North America will make less sense with the abundant supplies of natural gas at […]