The members of OPEC (Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries) continue to insist that their efforts to reduce global supplies of crude are progressing as expected. This was being done in an attempt to provide support for a higher price structure. Analysts in the industry are reporting a near 90% compliance, to the recent output cut. Although their claims of dwindling global oil supplies remain a bit exaggerated. The cartel was assisted by the fact that discoveries of gas and oil fields were […]
Invest in Oil
Glut In Global Crude Oil Supplies Likely To Continue
Many analysts and investors are insisting that the glut in global crude oil supplies is coming to an end. Throughout the second half of 2016, speculators drove up prices in anticipation of a production cut promised by OPEC (Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries). The oil cartel’s members pumped 33.87 million barrels a day in November, an increase of 150,000 from the previous month. This was despite their promise to slow output. The amount of oil in storage alone is now near […]
The Impact Of Plunging Oil Prices On The International Economy In 2015
International investors witnessed a further plunging in oil prices this week. The price of Brent oil dipped below $52.00 USD (United States Dollar) yesterday, indicating over a 4% additional decline. The cost for crude is now at a five and a half year low. Concerns about sluggish growth in Europe, East Asia and elsewhere are fueling investor concerns about a glut of oil in the international economy . Export leader Saudi Arabia, shows no sign of limiting supplies at this point. Financial […]
Saudi Arabia Continues To Use Oil As A Economic And Foreign Policy Weapon
Investors in oil and natural gas saw world prices for fossil fuels decline even further with the latest action by Saudi Arabia. Oil is now at a lower point in price than has been seen in more than four years. The Saudis unexpectedly announced that crude sold in the United States from them would experience another price cut. As the world’s largest exporter of oil this decision puts added pressure on American domestic energy producers. The question on investors mind is at […]
For Investors A New Era Of Lower Oil Prices Has Unwittingly Arrived
Investors in energy have watched the United States go from the 3rd largest producer of oil in 2013, to the largest in the world this year. American production has overtaken both Russia the former largest producer, and Saudi Arabia. The United States had already become the largest natural gas producer in 2010, thanks to hydraulic fracturing also known as fracking and the shale boom. Production of oil is surging in North Dakota and Texas, as any visitor there can see. Daily output […]
Investors Have Another Opportunity In The Second Revolution Of Shale Gas And Oil
Investors will be able to take advantage of the technological advances and the rising prices for energy by taking a look at what is happening in the shale gas and oil industry. The potential supply of oil is enormous. The global supply of oil in shale beds may contain as much as 800% to 900% more oil than all of the conventional wells that are currently in operation. Previous methods of extracting oil from the shale had proved cost prohibitive. It also […]
Investors In Oil Are About To Reap Huge Profits
Investors in oil are now wondering, how much higher the price of oil will climb? Although most of the recent $4.00 USD (United States Dollar) increase in price is purely speculative. Traders are pushing prices higher in fears of what might occur, rather than any real change in supply or demand. As a side note, sales of oil worldwide have been factored in United States dollars since the mid 1970’s. The International Energy Agency (IEA) has estimated that global demand in 2014 […]
Invest in Oil: International Events Will Safeguard Your Investment
An investment in oil at this time is almost a sure bet of future profits. Despite the pundits claim of declining prices because of economic slowdowns and more supplies becoming available in the future their predictions are unlikely to become reality. The reason for this is simple. Events in the international arena are sabotaging the expansion of supply. Worse yet, fears of possible disruption of available supplies lend speculators in oil to drive up prices even further. As the world stays focused […]