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Invest In Latin America

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The End Of An Era In Venezuela

The End Of An Era In Venezuela

The end is near for the Bolivarian Revolution in Venezuela after a disastrous 16 years. The country now faces bankruptcy, after destructive economic policies that have taken a resource rich nation to the edge of ruin. The government is finally running out of financial resources to simply paper over the nonsensical fiscal actions, taken by former President Hugo Chavez and his successor Nicolas Maduro. Ideology and politics always triumphed over economic common sense in this collectivized experiment, which is now mercifully coming […]

United States Recognition Of Cuba: The Impact On Investment

United States Recognition Of Cuba: The Impact On Investment

The United States government under President Obama decided to extend diplomatic recognition to Cuba this month. The controversy of whether this should be undertaken while the Cuban government is still listed as a sponsor of state terrorism will undoubtedly continue. The action does not actually lift the trade embargo placed on Cuba during the waning days of the Eisenhower Administration in 1960. At the time a total ban on American exports to Cuba was enacted. On humanitarian grounds, food and medicine were […]

Is Capitalism In Chile Under Siege?

Is Capitalism In Chile Under Siege?

Capitalism in Chile is undergoing a major threat. Chile has long been the model for capitalism and economic development in South America ever since the overthrown of Salvador Allende in 1973, and the resulting military dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet. The economy of Chile grew robustly during the tenure of President Pinochet whose rule ended in 1990, when democracy returned to the country. The period of junta control and that of Pinochet will remain controversial for years to come. The trampling of civil […]

Brazil Narrowly Votes For Continuing Stagnation

Brazil Narrowly Votes For Continuing Stagnation

For investors in Brazil, the re-election of President Dilma Rousseff with 51.6% of the vote in a runoff, indicates that the nation is divided on what future political course their country should take. It will have serious economic consequences. Although Ms. Rousseff promised to reunite the nation after a acrimonious political battle with her rival Aecio Neves, she never mentions him by name. Brazil is facing some serious economic challenges that can totally derail growth. If this happens not only will it […]

Down In Mexico Where The Investments Can Grow

Down In Mexico Where The Investments Can Grow

An investment in the growing economy in Mexico can make sense to take advantage of the abundance of natural resources and relatively low wage structure. Mexico is the 14th largest economy in the world. In PPP (Purchasing Power Parity) it ranks 10th globally. In Latin America it is the second largest economy after Brazil. The overall economy is growing at only 2.99% but in comparison to some other areas of the world it offers longer term stability. A targeted investment will see […]

With Oil Prices Plummeting Investors Can Now Expect A Sovereign Default In Venezuela

With Oil Prices Plummeting Investors Can Now Expect A Sovereign Default In Venezuela

Investors have now seen oil prices decline by at least 25% since June. It is the bright spot in the present slow down in the global economy and the roiling stock markets around the world. It is a welcome relief to consumers in East Asia, Europe, Latin America and the United States. It is estimated that in America alone, the annual savings in transportation costs will average at least $500 USD (United States Dollar) per household. It will at the same time […]