Investing & Day Trading Education:  Day Trading Academy


In Honduras President Hernandez Coasts To An Easy Re-Election

In Honduras President Hernandez Coasts To An Easy Re-Election

President Juan Orlando Hernandez has been in office since January of 2014. He is now running for re-election. According to the 1982 Constitution that action, would have been illegal. Two years ago, the Supreme Court of Honduras ruled the prohibition on term limits was to be lifted. The previous law was enacted to prevent a single person, from accumulating too much political power and attempting a dictatorship. Public opinion polls puts the conservative Hernandez at 56%, that is 15% ahead of his […]

Democracy And The Economy In Honduras Under Siege

Democracy And The Economy In Honduras Under Siege

Honduras is the second largest nation in Central America, after Nicaragua. With a relatively small population of 8.4 million, it is also the poorest country in the region, with the exception of its neighbor Nicaragua. Over the years, the political instability of the country and the entrenched political elite, have slowed the modernization of Honduras.  The lack of real democracy and economic freedom over the years, has helped keep over 50% of the populace of Honduras in poverty. The economy is still based […]