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Colombia Voted For Economic Growth And Security In Last Election

Colombia Voted For Economic Growth And Security In Last Election

Colombia a nation of more than 49 million people and a country rich in natural resources, has enormous potential as an export giant and economic power. In order to fulfill this promise, investments from both within and from abroad, must be promoted. However, foreign investment is dependent on a legal framework, that supports growth and above all security. Former President Juan Santos had become term limited, and once again Colombian voters were being asked to choose between the policies of the left […]

Colombia: The Civil War At An End?

Colombia: The Civil War At An End?

After 52 years, the civil war that has enveloped Colombia may be at an end. The decades long conflict has led to the deaths of some 220,000 inhabitants and resulted in the displacement of close to seven million citizens. At one time, insurgents controlled nearly one third of the country. Outside the individual losses, the cost to the country at large, has been enormous both economically and politically. The 48.5 million inhabitants of Colombia have tired of war. There is growing support […]