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More Economic Trouble For The BRICS Ahead Part 2

More Economic Trouble For The BRICS Ahead Part 2

The only nation in the BRICS that has a rising economy at this time is India. Although China is still growing, it is doing so at a much lower rate. Both statistics of GDP (Gross Domestic Product) as reported by their governments, have been called into question by numerous analysts. The other three nations that comprise the BRICS are Brazil, Russia and South Africa. There are all experiencing tremendous economic and financial disruptions at this time, that has totally derailed growth. India […]

More Economic Trouble For The BRICS Ahead Part 1

More Economic Trouble For The BRICS Ahead Part 1

As what often happens in the economic and political development of nations, actual events intrude upon the fiction of what many would like to believe is the future. Just a few years ago the rise of a number of nations known collectively as the BRICS, were supposed to massively change the international global dynamic. Labeled as such in 2001, the emergence of these nations was going to dramatically alter the balance of world power. The BRICS are compromised of the nations of […]