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Investing In The United States

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In The United States: Democrats Play A Dangerous Game of Brinkmanship Over Securing The Border In Their Struggle For Power

In The United States: Democrats Play A Dangerous Game of Brinkmanship Over Securing The Border In Their Struggle For Power

The American election results of 2018 almost guaranteed, there would be a struggle for power in the United States between Democrats and Republicans. What is dismaying, is that it would occur over the issue of national security. Any objective person can clearly observe, that the border between the United States and Mexico is becoming increasingly dangerous. Illegal activity coming from this porous frontier, has major consequences that have permeated throughout the United States. The endless caravan of drugs, illegal migrants and human […]

United States Election Results Will Provide Ongoing Political Gridlock In 2019

United States Election Results Will Provide Ongoing Political Gridlock In 2019

The 2018 elections at the Congressional level will provide ongoing political gridlock, beginning in January. Although the Democratic Party will retake the United States House of Representatives, thus ending unified government under the Republicans, they will not have the sufficient legislative power to push through an agenda. The electorate knowingly or not, voted for a divided Congress and government. What they will get is very little actual legislation and even more political turmoil. Despite the political grandstanding, the freshly empowered Democratic leadership […]

United States 2018 Mid-Term Elections: Crucial For Direction Of The Country

United States 2018 Mid-Term Elections: Crucial For Direction Of The Country

Rarely have midterm elections in the United States been so crucial to the overall economic and political direction of the country. The nation remains deeply divided, as the electorate becomes increasingly intolerant, of viewpoints outside their own political affiliation. Centrists on the left and the right, are being sidelined, by party purists. This is the biggest voter turnout for a midterm election, since 1966. Already 34 million people have voted. Nationally, Republicans were leading by 2%. It is usually Democrats, who win […]

The American Economy Comes Roaring Back Under United States President Trump

The American Economy Comes Roaring Back Under United States President Trump

The American economy had been growing rather slowly, since the economic recovery beginning in 2009. Many pundits and politicians claimed a growth rate of 2%, was the new norm for an advanced economy, like the United States. The election of President Trump in the November elections of 2016, has changed that paradigm, as the domestic economy comes roaring back. The Trump growth agenda was relying on two basic principles. These were business deregulation and a massive tax reform, which would end up […]

Political Gridlock In The United States Over ObamaCare: Signals The End Of American Financial Supremacy

Political Gridlock In The United States Over ObamaCare: Signals The End Of American Financial Supremacy

The inability of the political system in the United States to enact needed reforms in entitlements, is an indication how dire the issue of governmental debt, has become for Americans. The present trajectory in the cost of popular social programs is simply unsustainable, yet political gridlock has become the mainstay of the national government. It is a clear signal that American economic and financial supremacy, is nearing the end, after nearly three quarters of a century. The latest example, was the failure […]

The United States Federal Budget Not Based On Reality Under Both Presidents Obama And Trump

The United States Federal Budget Not Based On Reality Under Both Presidents Obama And Trump

The United States has been accumulating debt at an enormous rate. The federal debt effectively doubled during the Obama Administration. The interest on the debt in the federal budget, is one of the fastest growing allocations, despite historically low interest rates. It already consumes $266 billion USD (United States Dollar) annually. The federal deficit for the fiscal year 2018 is $440 billion USD. This will cover the period October 01 2017, to September 30, 2018. Despite tremendous revenues and tax receipts of $3.654 […]

United States World Position Will Be Undone With The End Of The Petrodollar

United States World Position Will Be Undone With The End Of The Petrodollar

Many Americans are totally unaware how dependent their standard of living has become, to the global role of the United States dollar (USD). The petrodollar system, has supported the United States (U.S.) currency in the world economy, since the early 1970’s. The premiere reserve position the American dollar has held for over forty years, has become largely dependent on the international trade in crude oil. The petrodollar system of rules, has allowed the United States government and Americans to live far beyond […]

The Bottom Line For NAFTA And Free Trade In North America

The Bottom Line For NAFTA And Free Trade In North America

The North American Free Trade Agreement known as NAFTA, unites the three largest economies on the continent. The trade pact between Canada, Mexico and the United States went into effect as of 1994. In recent times, 14% of world trade takes place inside this trading zone. There has been a great deal of controversy recently, over the benefits and the negatives of this crucial treaty, especially in the United States. Economic analysis at this point, has indicated a small overall gain in […]

United States Republican Party Made Historical Record Gains During Obama Presidency

United States Republican Party Made Historical Record Gains During Obama Presidency

The large electoral losses suffered by the Republican Party during the waning years of the Bush Presidency in 2006 and 2008 were well publicized. What has been less widely known, is the steady downward trend in the fortunes of the Democratic Party, since the inauguration of Barack Obama. At the same time, there has never been a time when the Republican Party has been in a position of such ascendancy. Not since the founding of the party in the 1850’s, have Republicans […]

Donald Trump: The Troubling Financial And Economic Challenges Ahead

Donald Trump: The Troubling Financial And Economic Challenges Ahead

When Donald Trump becomes president, he will attempt to fulfill many of the commitments he made to voters during the long and contentious election campaign. One of the reasons he was successful in his bid for the Presidency, was that he focused on job expansion and overall economic growth. The Trump agenda is ambitious. It calls for major changes in federal expenditures and tax collection. The effects will be felt on both the individual and the corporate level. One has to wonder […]