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Day Trading & Travelling: Brazil Penthouse Edition

I have been day trading and travelling around the world now for almost 4 years now.  I still remember when I was thinking about what country to visit first, I decided to start in Canada because I was worried about internet in other countries and figured Canada was different enough but still had first world characteristics.

First world characteristics like fast and reliable internet I needed to make a living day trading

I have been sharing my stories since the beginning on my travelling & day trading blog at  Fast forward to today and I have been able to live in 10 countries across 4 continents and day trade in very unique places; the remote corners of Ethiopia & Somalia, Colombian coffee region, and one of my new favorite cities in Rio De Janeiro.

day trading in brazil

Day Trading in Brazil lead us to the famous steps in Rio de Janeiro

What led me to start day trading & tavelling in Brazil was the unique idea that we may be able to start day trading centers across the globe; Colombia, Brazil, and India.  Brazil was also the last major country I needed to live in South America and I couldn’t miss the opportunity of seeing the possibilities of opening a day trading center in one of the world’s leading emerging economies.

The LTD Project is also something that lead us to get the penthouse that you are going to see in the video below.  It is a bit soon to introduce Brice, the third and final member of LTD Project and I wanted to have the opportunity to train Brice personally.

What better way than to rent a penthouse in Brazil with Brice and train him in Rio de Janeiro?

The penthouse we rented was in the Santa Rosa neighborhood in Rio De Janeiro, a neighborhood that looked very attractive and one that I would highly recommend against living in.  It was absolute chaos to get in and out of the place, it took over an hour to arrive anywhere that we wanted to go since we had to take mass transit everywhere.

Every time that we entered and left the house we would always stop and admire the train service.  Who has a train service, in Rio de Janeiro of all places, that leads directly to the door of your penthouse that looks over the entire city?

The two guys that are day trading & travelling in Brazil that’s who

It was a great experience and I plan on doing it all over again as I try to convince Brice to come with me to Ethiopia & London.  Soon I will start sharing my recent day trading & travelling trip through Peru & Chile and my day trading plans for 2012.

The only issues that I encountered day trading in Brazil was reliable internet access.  I even had to start a monthly plan with a company called Regus in order to rent office space so that I could have internet access to the run the live market classes that are part of the training program (I just announced openings if you are serious about learning how to day trade).  I had very high hopes from Brazil and didn’t realize that Internet would be a problem.

Considering the experience that I had day trading in Africa, the rule of thumb was always to look for a country with a coastline. Countries with a coastline typically have faster Internet since they are able to access the underwater sea cables much easier.  The rules in South America are usually the same as Bolivia and Paraguay are known to have questionable internet access.

 I would highly recommend any day trader to come and visit Rio de Janeiro, especially if you’re doing really well day trading.

The city now rivals the one that I call home, Medellin in Colombia, and the only difference between Medellin and Rio de Janeiro is the difference in the cost of living.  Rio de Janeiro is significantly more expensive than Medellin.

I look forward to sharing more stories about day trading and travelling around the world.

1 Comment

  1. Looks wonderful Marcello!! Certainly a place I’d like to give a go someday! Great tips on internet access, hope to use those soon.


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