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Recap April 7th: Golden Cross Pattern For Stocks & Zombie Companies Ep013

After a dificult 2018, the S&P500 went up 13% in the first 3 months of the year, making it the strongest trimester since 2009 crisis. S&P500 closed at 2%, it’s highest point in history, the golden cross pattern suggests we could go higher up on the short term possibly reaching historic heights. The international and european markets went up thanks to possitive information from China, there are good forecasts regarding commercial agreements between the U.S. and China. In latinamerica the stock exchange that went higher was Mexico with 3.60%, Santiago went up 0.04%, the Colombian stock exchange went up 0.82%, Merval from Argentina went down 2.28% being the only negative in Latinamerica.
Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies had a strong rise of 15%, Bitcoin reached more than 4800 thanks to an anonymous order that caused the alteration of algorythms making them buy. Good indicators for the U.S. Unemployment has reached its lowest level in the last 50 years, the income of workers has had an increase, the Trump administration says they want to lower the interests in the country.

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